Inscription 73346786
- parents
- id
- b05ed3d159442f2ba4e1984d27ab499c937a1cd0649e3c3769e710eb936677b5i22
- metadata
- title
- Ordenza #-26
- description
- This Ordenza was inscribed on Saturday the 27th of July, 2024.
- hash
- 2344b71504dd38b03fbb58ebf0728590e698a62c49c5e1435217025564583c9b
- address
- bc1pfk926pq0445dseuqwpgynk0fl23qkv3gp2q5pa233n04z7ulwu6qg5rwdc
- value
- 546
- sat
- 1624139202937771
- sat name
- ciprzknieoc
- preview
- link
- content
- link
- content length
- 216 bytes
- content type
- text/html;charset=utf-8
- timestamp
- height
- 854130
- fee
- 807
- reveal transaction
- b05ed3d159442f2ba4e1984d27ab499c937a1cd0649e3c3769e710eb936677b5
- location
- b05ed3d159442f2ba4e1984d27ab499c937a1cd0649e3c3769e710eb936677b5:23:0
- output
- b05ed3d159442f2ba4e1984d27ab499c937a1cd0649e3c3769e710eb936677b5:23
- offset
- 0
- ethereum teleburn address
- 0x90d048fD64D29F67dd4cB0c25c2ED018F9d469cE