Inscription 53449336
- parents
- id
- be267d24bf7231e2b25349035ad6db94c76bc14e80fbe67d76b708190d92a660i11
- metadata
- title
- High AF
- description
- 69 XSULLO skullz here to blurse the mainnet.
- address
- bc1p7d4c9gelyvay5t6dh4vuzkydqh6egzucxtlfe8a7uewrspfu87tqqdtx3m
- value
- 666
- sat
- 1931064563448915
- sat name
- aebygqmzzhe
- preview
- link
- content
- link
- content length
- 14664 bytes
- content type
- image/png
- timestamp
- height
- 824588
- fee
- 128592
- reveal transaction
- be267d24bf7231e2b25349035ad6db94c76bc14e80fbe67d76b708190d92a660
- location
- dc36a154c6fccb6fdff9a6d312201ba752cff33153c2a1cfcfcf5f1a455f66c5:24:0
- output
- dc36a154c6fccb6fdff9a6d312201ba752cff33153c2a1cfcfcf5f1a455f66c5:24
- offset
- 0
- ethereum teleburn address
- 0x41BB55Bca9c158e002f6572B6eC94aA331F5B101