Inscription 70164787
- parents
- children
- id
- e00883803bd843519566899dabacdc5577d160f9ac9527bae2d8d38fa6c1a810i0
- metadata
- title
- Ordinal Lab
- description
- The first 10 to take the leap..
- address
- bc1pc6ud7hl5xjfn5rz7wz2kckmxpvwh7htcfaenq5zrqt9tr8hc48cqv7fj5c
- value
- 777
- sat
- 1790901183356092
- sat name
- bdxdhmlnjcn
- preview
- link
- content
- link
- content length
- 27046 bytes
- content type
- image/png
- timestamp
- height
- 839845
- fee
- 225984
- reveal transaction
- e00883803bd843519566899dabacdc5577d160f9ac9527bae2d8d38fa6c1a810
- location
- 0b63694ea401d5756b6622994d64c350380809c1f858c14acf5795fae5232b6e:0:0
- output
- 0b63694ea401d5756b6622994d64c350380809c1f858c14acf5795fae5232b6e:0
- offset
- 0
- ethereum teleburn address
- 0x980aF21C5972EE502dE95DC3be85535CB88210E2